Sunday, September 23, 2007


Andrew Welsh. Senior. Journalism/Asian Studies. I grew up in Dayton and moved to Cincinnati for college. I like to read and cook. And coffee. The first two help because my jobs involve both. I'm a server at Jo An Japanese restaurant, and I read textbooks for blind and dyslexic students at UC's Disabilities Services Office.

I hope to work in magazines and do cultural reporting. I like to write artful stories rather than hard news (which is very important, but I'll leave that to people who are good at stress management). Not that hard new can’t be artful, but I like to be able to spend time working all of the angles and really putting some polish on the language. I'm interested in stuff like the local independent record store that doesn't know if CDs will be a viable market in seven years, or the guy who makes his living delivering chicken potpies to hungry bar-hoppers downtown.

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